Great video, your very inspirational to me with my stick fights
Great video, your very inspirational to me with my stick fights
It was good the first time around but this is a year old.
the plot was good and a whole bunch of other stuff. I give an excuse though for having it to end like that on the episode rather than a cliff hanger on how they are going to defeat her. nice "to be continued" area.
IM GIVING IT A TEN BECAUSE OF EVERYONE GIVING IT A BAD REVEIW...except the people who are giving it an actually good reveiw... Besides how was he calling it bad? He was aiming it at a spoof point and he was calling himself lame... How was he giving zelda a bad name? Well i hope you make more things..
Aww, thanks a lot you. ;D
saying this..
its great and all but...did'nt they say in one episode of south park they said harry potter was for homo's or something like that?(not to be offensive i mean they did say that in a episode)
nice, but so close to geting it
i have to give it to ya, its amazing and your imagination is wonderful;but, i know what it is in my mind, i just cant say it and don't know how to say it, I would say something but also othre things to say! the begining menu when it make that big noise whenever you run the mouse over it scared the crap out of me and hurt my eardrums too, i do like it though i give you credit for that too! hey its a nine, could be worse than that...
well, the graphics arre great, shawdowing is perfect and makes it feel real, i like the humor moments too,i like the begining because the 3-D effect is just wonderful looking and made me want to watch more! I love what happened in the past moments when the bad part was happening and everything was going well. I'd say more but i think you and everyone else gets the picture! well-10 star ratting, and you are the one to actually deserve this too.
why can't anyone say the real one! it's not rumor! it's tale!not rumor, get the game and beat it! I beat it, it show's what the end of the song say's in the theme, its say's i've heard of this tale
never would've guessed it was mel brookes in the big daddy costume, what a twist :O
I draw for funsies and I love listening to all types of music.
Age 30, Male
Joined on 7/19/07